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Find out more about volunteering at #EWIT25 
Application for 2025 opening soon!



Home • Volunteer


Key Information


Who is eligible to volunteer?

From the technical and hands-on, to business, strategic and team management topics, enhance your skill-set and future-proof your career through presentations, keynotes and workshops tailored to the unique challenges in the tech industry.

What commitment is required?

The event is a two day event 26 - 27 June, RAI Amsterdam, so minimum commitment would be one day. A full agenda and schedule will be confirmed with you in advance of the event.

What will be expected of me as a volunteer?

Our agenda is curated to bring you the hottest topics, sparking lightbulb moments led by personal journeys of growth and adaptation. Real inspiration. Real stories by truly incredible people.

Will I get reimbursed any expenses?

Your contact will confirm any terms and conditions of your participation with you directly.




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